7 secrets to finding keto treats and foods.

  • save money
  • They taste great
  • keto-friendly

Hi, I’m Toni

Welcome to Keto for My Life. Here you will find a blog post on keto and how it benefits your life. I have been on Keto since 2019 and love this lifestyle. Hope you will find what you are looking for. Keto on

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Health | keto basics

“Unlocking the Power of Macros on Your Keto Journey”

“Unlocking the Power of Macros on Your Keto Journey and embarking on a ketogenic journey opens the door to a metabolic shift, unlike any other diet. At the heart of this transformative process is ketosis, a state where the body switches from burning glucose to utilizing fats for energy. Yet, the true magic of keto…

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habits | keto basics

“Breaking Free: Tips to Beat Keto Diet Boredom and Stay Committed.”

The beginning of a diet often comes with a lot of excitement and motivation. However, as time goes on and you find yourself eating the same foods day after day, monotony can set in, leading to boredom and potential challenges in sticking to the diet. Here’s a bit more about how to beat the keto…

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habits | Health | keto basics

Intermittent Fasting to Crush Your Keto Plateau”

Intermittent fasting to crush your keto plateau is a tool for helping the scale to move down again when it has been at a standstill. “Are you feeling frustrated with your keto progress hitting a standstill? If you’re looking for a way to jumpstart your weight loss and reignite your body’s fat-burning potential, intermittent fasting…

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habits | keto basics

“Cracking the Keto Code: MCT Oil Strategies for Success”

Cracking the keto code using MCT oil for keto diet success and its many benefits. “Integrating MCT (Medium-Chain Triglyceride) oil into your ketogenic diet can be a strategic and beneficial choice, offering a range of advantages that may significantly contribute to your keto diet success.  MCT oil, derived from sources like coconut oil, stands out…

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Health | keto basics

“Navigating the Keto Waters: Your Essential Beginner’s Guide”

Navigating the Keto Waters on a ketogenic diet represents a transformative journey toward improved health and well-being. Yet the path to success can be intricate and challenging for beginners.  In the intricate realm of low-carbohydrate, high-fat living, a well-crafted beginner’s guide serves as an indispensable compass. Illuminating the way for those taking their initial steps…

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Health | keto basics

 “A Sleep Smart Routine, For a Quality Sleep and Weight Loss.”

A Sleep Smart Routine offers numerous benefits for both our physical and mental well-being. Sleep is an important step to losing weight.  My sleep history: Sleep Smart Routine I have been a poor sleeper for years. Mainly because of the shift work I have had through the years. Also, I am a night owl and…